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Why Subscribe?

At the click of a button choose from a selection of our best selling products to arrive at your door as often as you’d like. Tailor your subscription to your schedule by setting the frequency of the delivery . You can decide to take a break from your

How do I create a subscription?

To create a subscription please follow the instructions below -. Please note** your subscription profile will be generated on the day purchased, the billing frequency will then start "x amount" weeks from the date of purchase. If you do experience an

Can I cancel my subscription?

Of course! You can cancel, pause or amend your subscription at any time. This can be done by logging in to your account and checking out the subscription tab. Alternatively, our customer service team are always on hand to help. Any changes made 48 ho

My subscription profile status has changed, what does this mean?

If your subscription profile has changed this may be due to issues with your subscription. Please see the profile status' below. Paused -. If you notice that your subscription has been paused, and you have not made these changes yourself, this means

Can I change/amend my subscription order? And how do I do this?

You can make changes to your order up to 48 hours before dispatch. Don't worry you will receive a reminder via email!

What happens if my payment fails, is my subscription cancelled?

We will have 3 attempts to take payment for your subscription order. If your order is to fail upon the first attempt, our customer service team will reach out directly to help resolve any issues. If it is a payment failure, which hasn't been resolved

Can I skip a delivery?

The subscription is completely flexible to suit you, you can skip, pause and/or cancel your subscription 48 hours before your next one is dispatched!

Can I combine my subscriptions?

Unfortunately subscription profiles cannot be combined together, we are also unable to add products to a subscription order. You do however have the option of changing the dates on your subscriptions so that they generate on the same date. Please not

Can I add promotional offers to my order? (codes)

Promotional codes aren't applicable with subscription orders. Why? We apply 25% off RRP to all subscription orders, to ensure they are the best possible value.

Can I subscribe to all products?

Unfortunately not all of our products are available on subscription. If an item is available for subscription you will see the subscribe and save option on the product page.

How often will I receive my order?

You can choose how often you would like to receive your order during checkout; starting at monthly frequency. This can also be changed to suit your training schedule

Will I be charged for delivery?

You will receive free standard delivery on subsequent orders, regardless of basket value. Please note* If you choose to select Next Day Delivery for your subscription, all subsequent orders will be charged at £4.99 for delivery. If you have a premier

Can I use my loyalty points?

Loyalty points can be redeemed on the first order, but they cannot be used on subsequent orders.