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My subscription profile status has changed, what does this mean?Updated 3 months ago

If your subscription profile has changed this may be due to issues with your subscription.

Please see the profile status' below.

Paused - 

If you notice that your subscription has been paused, and you have not made these changes yourself, this means that the subscription has failed due to an internal issue. The subscription will have been paused by our customer experience team to avoid the subscription from suspending itself. This gives the customer the opportunity to update and change products, flavours and sizes from their side, and to resume the subscription at their own discretion.

The subscription will remain paused until it has been changed to either an Active/Cancelled status. 

*If your subscription has been paused by our customer experience team, they will reach out within 24 hours of making these changes.

Cancelled -

You have the option to cancel your subscription up to 48 hours before your subscription is due to generate. To do so, you'd need to log into your account and head to your subscription profiles. Here you will have the options to pause, skip, or cancel your subscription. 

Once your subscription has been cancelled, you will no longer be billed for the subscription and all subsequent orders will no longer generate.

*If you wish to reinstate your subscription, please contact our customer experience team here and they will be able to help with this.

Suspended -  

If you notice that your subscription has been suspended, this means that the subscription profile will no longer generate new orders because the system has tried to generate the subscription order 3 times and it has failed.

If you still wish to be a part of the subscription service, you would need to purchase the subscription again via the website as our customer experience team cannot reinstate suspended subscriptions. 

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