Rego Whey, Rego Rapid Recovery and Rego ClearUpdated 6 months ago
Rego Whey Protein is best to support muscle growth and maintenance after less intense sessions. Shorter, less intense sessions don’t require huge amounts of carbohydrate and protein consumption post workout to refuel the body. Your body still needs quality protein to maintain muscle mass and promote growth so Rego Whey would be perfect for that.
- Add 30g of powder (one scoop) to 300ml cold water and shake. Best consumed within 30-60 minutes post-exercise.
Rego Rapid Recovery is best to support you for longer training sessions. Carbohydrate is the predominant energy source that is used to fuel moderate to high-intensity exercise lasting 60 minutes or more. Your body needs carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores to ensure you’re ready to go again. If you don’t refuel correctly after exercising you may begin your next training session or competition still feeling the effects of your last session.
- Add 50g (two full scoops) to 500ml of cold water and shake. Best consumed up to 30 minutes post-exercise for optimal recovery.
Rego Clear is combination of the Rego Whey and Rego Recovery but in a really light formula. Rego Clear presents a 1:1 ratio of protein and carbohydrates. Rego Clear also naturally includes Leucine, an essential amino acid used in the biosynthesis of protein, which supports muscle protein synthesis so you're getting the benefit of all the range within one drink.
- Add 46g of powder (one full scoop) to 500ml cold water and shake. Frothing is normal. Leave to stand for at least 1 minute. Best when consumed up to 30 minutes post-exercise.